We sing a broad mix of songs, hymns, and spirtual songs. It’s okay if you don’t know all the words (we’re frequently trying new songs, so we don’t always know them yet either) or if you aren’t the best singer (many of us aren’t either). We will follow some responsive readings, offer a time of prayer, and the Pastor will offer a special message for the children. Nursery care is available for children four and under but it’s completely optional. We welcome worshipping with kids of all ages in the service!
Before the sermon begins, we will stand as the Pastor reads the scripture that he is preaching on that day. But don’t worry, he’ll clearly indicate when it’s time to stand and sit so you don’t end up being the only one up when everyone else is down. The bulletin has a section where you can take notes if there’s anything you want to jot down to ask about later.
The service typically lasts about 90 minutes, and coffee and refreshments are offered afterwards. The Pastor stands by the door at the conclusion of the service in case anyone would like to ask him any questions. Stick around to get your questions answered or chat with other attendees to find out more about what’s going on in our church. We also offer Sunday school for all ages (toddler through adult) September through April after that time of fellowship (the teachers need their coffee and sugar fix before they start teaching).
We celebrate communion on the first Sunday of the month and welcome anyone who is a believer in good standing at a Bible believing church to join us in partaking of the Lord’s Supper. The Pastor will go into more detail before the elements are served, but the Elders or the Pastor would love to have a conversation with you ahead of time, especially if you have any doubts. It's important to us that we help you examine your heart before partaking so that you can feel confident and joyful when you do. If you’re interested in finding out more about membership, feel free to ask the Pastor or any of the Elders. We regularly offer new member classes for those that are interested.